Health and Safety update 12/31/21

December 31, 2021

Dear Parish Family:

As we return to 8 & 11am worship services this Sunday, please be especially mindful for your safety and the safety of others in this latest outbreak of the Omicron variant.

If you have not been vaccinated or only partially vaccinated, and/or if you have any symptoms, I recommend staying home and join us virtually on ZOOM.

The number of people testing positive is at near epidemic levels. Although severity of these cases is generally low, let's stay vigilant until this wave subsides.

All current precautions will remain for the foreseeable future.

"Health Safety Precautions
For anyone who is not immunized and/or has underlying health issues we recommend the wearing of face masks indoors. There are masks and hand sanitizer located in the Narthex. We ask everyone to respectfully observe social distancing and if you feel sick or have a fever, we ask you to quarantine at home. We invite you to worship with us virtually on Zoom each Sunday at 11:00am.
The Clergy will continue to take precautions as necessary and Holy Communion will be administered in both kinds, with wine by dipping the wafer (intinction.)"

May God's Blessings, Love, and Peace prosper you and those you love this New Year and always!

In His Love,

Janet StodaComment